Middle Age in September

Elizabeth Kerlikowske

Wind chimes shiver, not close to contact.
Mulberry leaves catch sun and breeze
              enough to alter light fall.
Webs flash iridescent rapture.
Mosquito season/bee time of day.
Shadows look for warmth in the worst places.
Three yellow leaves from a red bud fall together,
              zinnias undisturbed.
Squirrels mate loudly in yew.
Hawk’s eyes never leave the birdbath.
A truck’s reflection moves backwards
             against its forward sound.

Elizabeth Kerlikowske’s latest book is The Woodworker and the Witch, and last year at this time, The Vaudeville Horse was published (Etchings Press UIndy). She is active with community organizations involving poetry and volunteers at an alternative high school.

Find this piece on page 21 of Issue No. 2.

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