

The fresh snow on the sidewalk
bore the tracks of a man
with large feet who wore boots
that looked heavy, warm,
and dangerous. He’s left a trail
which we may follow but only
the squirrels seem interested
for now. The morning crow
perched in the skeletal branches
of the maple remains silent
and flutters its crepe paper wings.
Meanwhile, the neighbor smokes
a cigarette from his front porch;
clouds of smoke and breath
mingle as the sun rises carefully,
apologetic for the winter.

Bruce Gunther is a former journalist who lives in Bay City, Michigan. He enjoys winter walks near his home and around mid-Michigan – the “silence” of winter helps to inform his writing. His poetry has been published in various journals, including the Comstock Review, Remington Review, and Modern Haiku.

Find this piece on page 13 of ISSUE NO. 3.

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