A literary and visual arts magazine concerned with Michigan’s natural environments and experiences outdoors.
i think the cold is punishing me
because i think everything is punishing me. silence. sound. consistency. absence. the burning numb on the tip of my nose my nail beds, all ten of my toes. the wind whipping through the edges of my windows and doors. my unmade bed and its frozen sheets. the blue of the lake at night. the burnt haloes of light all around. it’s like someone painted the world but no one did. and i’m here and i have to live in it. a sentence i wish was unwarranted. a metaphor i wish were less true. everything here echoes. my movement and that below me, water above me, the slow leak i gave to the room beneath me, the howling both outside and inside.
BEE LB is an array of letters, bound to impulse; a writer creating delicate connections. They have called any number of places home; currently, a single yellow wall in Michigan. Their portfolio can be found at twinbrights.carrd.co and they can be found on Instagram @twinbrights.